Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Ethics of Trials that Offer Less than the Best - Dr. Collin O’Neil

The Ethics of Trials that Offer Less than the Best
Dr. Collin O’Neil - Lehman College, City University of New York.

Good Medical Research is research that has the potential to deliver results that can improve the capabilities and decision-making of clinicians, and that obtains its results via methods that respect the rights of human subjects. Settling questions about what counts as good medical research is an interdisciplinary enterprise, requiring contributions from statisticians, scientists, clinicians, and ethicists, and the MedicReS World Congress will be bringing these experts together. 

My subject is the ethics of withholding care from participants in clinical trials.  These trials are usually conducted overseas in settings where the care is unavailable in the local health care system.  The participants are therefore not deprived of anything they would have had access to outside the trial.  But these trials remain controversial because the researchers could prevent the participants from suffering serious harm, and decline to do so.  It is my hope that attendees will come away with a better understanding of the ethics of these trials.  

There is a growing consensus that clinical researchers are justified in doing less than their best for the subjects in their trials when necessary to obtain results that will help future patients more.  I criticize this view on the grounds that it neglects the moral constraint against allowing harm as a means, and describe several trial designs that intend the harmful consequences of withholding care as a means to various research-related ends. 

I hope you will consider attending the 2015 MedicReS World Congress to hear a variety of presentations on the theme of good medical research, and to participate in the conversations they generate. 

October 19th, 15.30-17.00
The Cooper Union, The Great Hall 7 East 7th Street ,New York,  NY 10003
The Ethics of Trials that Offer Less than the Best Dr. Collin O’Neil - Center for Bioethics, NYU

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